
* 등록 / 출처 - https://www.meetup.com/Learn-To-Code-Seoul/events/235054110

* 일시 - 2016년 11월 12일 13:00 ~ 15:00

* 장소 - 구글 캠퍼스 서울

Let's meet up and learn Java!

This group will work on learning Java from the very beginning, from installing the JDK to making complete applications. 

You should bring your laptop, if you can.

This week, we'll be doing something a little different - a practicum. We'll make a small game! To have the best experience, you should have knowledge of conditions, loops, objects, and inheritance.

If you have questions or concerns, please message Beege here or on the Slack #java or #korean channels. Not on Slack? Join us via http://learntocodela.herokuapp.com

Joining us for the first time? You can find examples or videos to help you catch up. 

Posted by 해리팍
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Chanhyun Park (해리팍)
Software Engineer @ SK hynix

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