
* 출처 / 등록 - http://dcamp.kr/event/apply/1653

SYNC 2017 Seoul: The Power Of East Asia

일시 2017.01.23 (월) 18:00 ~ 2017.01.23 (월) 21:00

장소 D.CAMP Seoul 6F 다목적홀

실리콘밸리 & 중국의 온라인 테크미디어 핑웨스트 (PingWest)는

2013년부터 샌프란시스코, 베이징, 홍콩, 호치민시, 런던 등에서 SYNC 테크 컨퍼런스를 열고 있습니다. 

SYNC 테크 컨퍼런스가 2017년에는 서울, 디캠프에서 열립니다. 

한국의 온라인테크 미디어 플래텀 (Platum), 디캠프가 함께 하는 SYNC 2017 Seoul. 

"동아시아의 파워"란 주제로 커머스, 게임 산업의 동아시아의 현재와 17년 전망에 대해 함께 짚어봅니다. 

PingWest에서 50여명이 대거 참석하는 이번 한중(韓中) 간 테크 컨퍼런스 행사에 초대합니다. 


[SYNC 2017 Seoul: The Power Of East Asia]

South Korea’s impact on us the past dozen years has been felt everywhere: in our driveways, our pockets, our living rooms. It shows through in technological innovation, entertainment, film, gaming, and television, and all of these fields have intertwined to build a strong creative breeding ground. And not to be overlooked are those young Korean companies which have sprung up in just the past few years.

With the rise of the Korean entertainment industry's sway on the global market, the Korean beauty, gaming, social, and other sectors have won achievements at home and gained global ambitions. And that leaves us to wonder: what are younger consumers’ needs in the the Korean market? How do Korean entrepreneurs match needs with resources? How are Korean startups going global? How do the Korean entertainment and beauty industries matter in the tech startup ecosystem? And, bigger still, why does Korea itself really matter in the global startup ecosystem? This is why SYNC Seoul 2017 is coming. 

We are inviting top Chinese and Korean tech media to share their observations on each market with one another. In addition, entrepreneurs from the beauty, consumer, and gaming industries will be discussing all the topics mentioned above. Join us on January 23rd in Seoul where Korean media, incubators, founders, partners, and friends will keep the dialogue rolling.

Address: D.CAMP, 6F Event Hall 

Time: January 23rd, 6:00pm-9:00pm



6:00-7:00   Registration and Reception 

6:40-6:50   Opening Remark, PingWest

6:50-7:00   Platum speech, Korea's startup and media

7:00-7:10   D.CAMP, introduce the startup hub in Seoul.

7:10-8:00   Panel discussion*, Korea tech startups for young consumers. 

Yoon Ban Seok, Founder and CEO of Seoul Store

Dillon Seo, Founder of VoleR Creative 

Wooram Son, Co-founder and CEO of Reality Reflection

CEO of Vitas Game studios 

8:00-9:00   Networking  (Light refreshment will be served)




* Speakers may be subject to change 


About PingWest

PingWest is the leading online tech media based in China and Silicon Valley.  Born September 2012 in Silicon Valley, PingWest now has over 10 million monthly UV. Besides the online content, PingWest also host global events in San Francisco, Beijing, Hong Kong, Taipei, Ho Chi Minh City, London and more countries.

Posted by 해리팍
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Chanhyun Park (해리팍)
Software Engineer @ SK hynix

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